Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering (2017)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Laboratory practicals
Work done in the laboratory 15%
Practical tests
Exàmens individuals al laboratori 15%
Extended-answer tests
Relating to the part of statistics and stochastic processes composed by a written and an oral test. 40%
Extended-answer tests
Relating to the part of analog modulations. 30%
Other comments and second exam session

In the first call, the parts of a) probability, random signals and stochastic processes and b) analog modulations must be approved with a minimum mark of 5.

Only the oral test on probability and stochastic processes will be possible, if at least a mark of 3 is obtained in the written test related to this topic and that will be done previously.

As regards the evaluation in the second call there will be three exams: a) probability and random signals, b) analog modulations theoretical part and c) analog modulations laboratory part, weighted with the percentages: 40%, 30% and 30 %. The overall grade for passing the subject is 5, subject to a minimum of 3 in each of the three exams and to the subjective evaluation of the teacher from the failed part.

The use of mobile devices of type: tablets, smartphones, computers, etc. is not allowed.