Guía docente 
Facultad de Letras
A A 
Grado en Lengua y Literatura Catalanas (2009)
Actividades introductorias Course presentation
Level test
Presentaciones/exposiciones 3 minutes talk:
students will choose a topic and will have to prepare an oral presentation about it.

Vocabulary teamwork:
students will prepare a vocabulary unit from the grammar book in groups and expose it in class using a variety of presentation techniques
Sesión magistral Introduction and revision of several grammar structures
Resolución de problemas/ejercicios en el aula ordinaria Application of the syllabus through a variety of exercises in class: role-plays, discussions, individual and pair work, group activities.
Resolución de problemas/ejercicios Solve students' doubts related to homework.
Trabajos Homework and extra-practice if needed
Atención personalizada Tutorials: students can personally contact the teacher in the office or through moodle