Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Publicity and Public Relations (2009)
Topic Sub-topic
Throughout the course we will explore the images and discourses that the media construct about masculinity, femininity, sexual identities, and sexual and affective relationships in various audiovisual formats. The topics that we will work on are:
1. Introduction Introduction to the subject and the basic concepts that will guide our work throughout the semester.
2. Gender displays in a post-feminist popular culture
3. Masculinities
4. Sexual diversity
5. Mediated Aging and gender biases
6. Sexual and affective relationships in television series and movies
7. Gender-based violence
8. Reception
We will introduce the main results of the research in this field and what have been the theoretical concepts that have served to base the different studies and their conclusions.
In the various sessions, and in relation to these issues, we will discuss the patterns that characterize media representations.