Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Journalism (2009)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A7 Coneix els aspectes bàsics de les grans tipologies de temes científics que generen interès periodístic
Adquireix els coneixements i les tècniques necessàries per abordar amb professionalitat situacions extremes en conflicte en els àmbits científic i social
Desenvolupa el sentit ètic i de responsabilitat social a l’hora d’enfrontar-se a la cobertura periodística en temes científics controvertits
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT6 Raise their academic and professional self-awareness.
Identify their own learning process.
Analyse the working or professional environment of their field of study.
Design academic and professional tracks.
 CT7 Students are aware of the inequalities and the discrimination caused by gender and other factors, and understand the reasons that account for them.
Be able to identify major environmental problems.
Recognise and reflect on social needs and problems, and get involved in improving the community.
Recognise the ethical and deontological concepts in their field of expertise, show an ability for criticism and dialogue, and respect the rules and regulations that members of the university community must abide by.
Type C Code Learning outcomes