Guía docente 
Facultad de Letras
A A 
Grado en Inglés (2009)
Metodologías Competencias descripción Peso        
Pruebas mixtas
3 tests 100%
Otros comentarios y segunda convocatoria

No test/exam will be taken outside scheduled dates and times.

1st Convocatòria

Students must take all 3 tests and obtain a minimum of 50% in test 3 for the computation of the final grade in the 1st convocatòria. Passing grade: 50%.

2nd Convocatòria

Final exam worth 100% that includes questions and exercises on all the topics covered in the course. Students must obtain a minimum of 50% to pass this exam.

If the public health situation requires a reduction in physical attendance, examination will be adapted to comply with the directives issued by the relevant organisations. Any changes will be notified via the news forum on Moodle.