Guía docente 
Facultad de Letras
A A 
Grado en Inglés (2009)
Metodologías Competencias descripción Peso        
Several written assignments (WA) will be assigned during the course.
Students will also complete short practical activities.
Pruebas mixtas
Students will take two tests on the Theory component of the course. These will consist of short questions on the range of theory on poetry, narrative, drama and film expounded in class. 30%
Otros comentarios y segunda convocatoria

If the public health situation requires a reduction in physical attendance, examination will be adapted to comply with the directives issued by the relevant organisations. Any changes will be notified via the news forum on Moodle.

1. In the WAs, students must present work appropriately formatted, with correct quotation and reference, and a properly presented Bibliography. When a Style Sheet document is provided on Moodle stipulating the correct forms these elements must take, failure to comply with these stipulations will result in a WA not being evaluated.

2. Basic language errors are to be avoided at all times in students' writing. The categories of what are considered Basic Language Errors are set out in a document on Moodle. In a WA, if a student makes three or more errors from these categories, marks will be deducted, 1 point for every three basic errors. For work written in class, marks will not be deducted for language errors.

3. Any instance of plagiarism, copying a text or ANY PART OF A TEXT from another source without proper reference or citation, so that effectively the work of another person is presented as the student's own, or as any part of it, will result in the piece of work in which the instance occurs being evaluated as a '0'. This will lead to failure of the Continuous Assessment component of the course. The use of translation software or other language apps, or language assistance from another person, to produce a text which is above the student's 'natural' level (as demonstrated when they write in class with no possible assistance) is considered cheating, and will also result in a paper which has received this extra, artificial help during its preparation being evaluated as a '0'.

4. Students must submit ALL their written work and do the two Tests in order to be eligible for a mark in the Continuous Assessment (CA) system of the course. If a student does not submit all their work or misses any test, even if their overall CA score calculated with the missing mark(s) is above a 5, they will not pass the Continuous Assessment part of the course, and must pass the Final Exam/Segona convocatòria (100%).

5. A student must score a minimum of 30% of the pass mark for EACH element in the CA to be able to pass the course on the basis of the Continuous Assessment.

6. Unless the teacher enters into a specific agreement with the class, or group, to the contrary, any work to be submitted must be uploaded to the appropriate place on Moodle before the deadlines, as stipulated in the Pla de Treball, and in the Calendar on Moodle. If a student has difficulty in submitting work through Moodle, and they choose to send it via an email to the teacher or submit it through the consergeria, it is their responsibility to make sure that the piece of work is evaluated and returned to them at the same time equivalent work is returned to their classmates. Where Moodle is the agreed channel for submission, the teacher will not accept responsibility for any work that is not submitted through Moodle, and is under no obligation to evaluate it, unless the teacher expressly agrees to accept the student's work in writing.

7. Final exam/Segona Convocatòria Exam (100%). It will consist of a series of short theoretical questions, exercises in which you will analyse short texts and essay questions on the narrative text, the drama text, and the film text.