Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Quaternary Archaeology and Human Evolution (Erasmus Mundus) (2012)
  Description Weight
Assignments Presenting a critical review of one recently published scientific article related to the field of human evolution. 80%
Lecture Attendance and participation in lectures and practical. 20%
Other comments and second exam session

Los estudiantes matriculados en la URV siguen el sistema ECTS y tienen derecho a las convocatorias de evaluación indicadas en la normativa académica de grado y máster vigente.

Continuous evaluation model is followed.

The second evaluation is an exam that comprises the 100% of the course. It is addressed to the students that have not passed the continuous assessment.

If the public health situation requires a reduction in physical attendance, examination will be adapted to comply with the directives issued by the relevant organisations. Any changes will be notified via the news forum on Moodle.