Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Quaternary Archaeology and Human Evolution (Erasmus Mundus) (2012)
  Description Weight
Assignments Theoretical work project of some palaeoenvironmental discipline on archaeological site; written (40% of the mark) and exposed in class (30% of the note).
Other comments and second exam session

Los estudiantes matriculados en la URV siguen el sistema ECTS y tienen derecho a las convocatorias de evaluación indicadas en la normativa académica de grado y máster vigente.

Criteria: It will be basically evaluated 1) the participation of the student by the discussions in the theoretical and practical classroom, 2) his critical capacity and reasoning in the work to be presented and in the test, 3) use of materials not provided by the teacher (Library, Internet, other resources), 4) theoretical knowledge acquired in class, 5) writing and correct structuring of the requested scientific work, 6) as well as classroom attendance.

If the public health situation requires a reduction in physical attendance, examination will be adapted to comply with the directives issued by the relevant organisations. Any changes will be notified via the news forum on Moodle.