Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Quaternary Archaeology and Human Evolution (Erasmus Mundus) (2012)
  Description Weight
Drafting of the master’s degree thesis Research work where the following aspects will be evaluated jointly:
- Structure and argumentation.
- Quality of research content.
- Use of quality resources. -
- Planning and realization.
- Us of the language.
- Presentation of written work.

The assessment of the work is also considered the report of the tutor.
Presentation and public defence of the master’s degree Public presentation of master's final work.
The student responds to the questions / comments that they pose.
Other comments and second exam session

According to current academic regulations for the Bachelor's and Master's degrees, "Students registered at the URV follow the ECTS system and have the right to two examination sessions".

If the public health situation requires a reduction in physical attendance, examination will be adapted to comply with the directives issued by the relevant organisations. Any changes will be notified via the news forum on Moodle.