Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Nutrition and Metabolism (2012)
Topic Sub-topic
1. Intestinal barrier function. Experimental design for the study of barrier epithelial function.
Barrier function components. Paracellular and transcellular pathway Narrow scaffolds. Experimental design for the study of epithelial barrier function. Bookmarks of the paracellular route. Determination of the transepithelial electrical resistance.
2. Pathways and mechanisms for intestinal absorption of nutrients. Basis of experimental models.
Simple diffusion. Equilibrative and concentrative mediated transport. Methodologies in vivo and in vitro for the study of intestinal absorption. Advantages and limitations. Experimental design for the study of trans-cellular transport. Role of dietary components on the absorption of nutrients and epithelial barrier function.
3. Biology of cell cultures. Type of cell cultures. Basis of cell cultures used in nutritional studies: an approach to the physiology of the digestive system. Intestinal cell lines: Caco-2, HT-29, IEC-6 y T84.
4. Infrastructure, equipment and cell culture media.
Cell cultures facilities. Requirements for cell culture laboratories. Equipment for handling and observation of cells in cultures. Cell culture media: minimum requirements and supplementation. Support for cultures.
5. Basic techniques of cell cultures. How to work in the crop room. Plating, propagation, maintenance, division and conservation of cell lines. Characterization and differentiation strategies.