Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering (2010)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Laboratory practicals
Laboratories. Resolution, in group, of the laboratory practice: preliminary analysis, design, implementation 30%
Multiple-choice objective tests
Prova objectiva composada de preguntes curtes i/o tipus test dels continguts de les clases de teoría i problemes 35%
Multiple-choice objective tests
Prova objectiva composada de preguntes curtes i/o tipus test dels continguts de les clases de teoría i problemes 35%
Other comments and second exam session

The assessment elements of the course are: tests about the contents of lecture and problem classes, and laboratory practicals and preliminary analysis.

Students must obtain a minimum score in each elements of the assessment in order to pass the course. If any element of assessment does not reach the minimun score, the final mark of the course shall not exceed 4.5. The minimum score is the same in the 1st and in the 2nd examination period.

The evaluation will be continuously during 1st examination period.

There is not a 2nd assesment period for the laboratory practicals. The rest of the elements during the 2nd period will be the same as in the 1st assesment period. Students must examine the elements that have not obtained the minimum score in 1st call. If submitted in 2nd period, the final assesment will be that of the 2nd period.

In conducting written tests, there are not allowed to use any electronic devices (calculators, computers, tablets, phones, watches, etc.).

If we detect any copy in any activity evaluation, the grade of this examination period will be 0, and the student should take again all the assessment elements in the next examination period.

The exams will be held in person. In case of lockdown or mobility restrictions caused by the Covid-19 health emergency, the assessment activities, including exams, would be done online on the scheduled dates. Updated information can be found on Moodle (virtual teaching space).

Assessment activities must be planned in order to be carried out in a mixed or online mode in the event of lockdown.