Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Computer Security Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (2016)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A1 Write a survey-type scientific article in a group.
Demonstrate the validity of a proposed solution or improvement.
Publicise the research in the field of information technology.
 A2 Distinguish the areas in which the research will be performed.
Analyse the economic and human resources and the materials necessary for the success of a research project.
Plan the tasks into which a research project is broken down.
Apply techniques of project management and monitoring.
Convey the relationship between university, company and society.
 G3 Design the business plan of a technology-based company.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT6 Raise their professional self-awareness.
Develop a professional attitude.
Analyse the professional environment of their speciality.
Design specific professional tracks.
 CT7 Be aware of gender and other inequalities in their activity as a URV student.
Analyse the major environmental problems from the perspective of their field of expertise in their student and/or professional activity.
Be able to give arguments based on social values and make proposals for the improvement of the community.
Be personally and professionally committed to applying the ethical and deontological concepts of their field of expertise.
Type C Code Learning outcomes