Guía docente 
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Química
A A 
Gestión de Empresas Tecnológicas/Technology and Eng. Management (2017)
   Fuentes de información
Básica Mulligan, M. & Oats, L., Principles of international taxation, 2019, Bloomsbury
Pasquale, D., Taxing the digital economy, 2019, IBFD
Werner, H., Tax and the Digital Economy: Challenges and Proposals for Reform, 2019, Wolters Kluwer
Lang, M, Implementing Key BEPS Actions: Where Do We Stand?, 2019, IBFD

Complementaria Ben Terra, J.K., A Guide to the European VAT Directives, 2021, IBFD: Amsterdam
Schellekens, M., European Tax Handbook, 2020, IBFD: Amsterdam
United Nations, Taxation and Technology Transfer: Key Issues, 2005, United Nations