Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2009)
Introductory activities General presentation of the subject
Lecture Theoretical explanation of the subject in the classroom for 2 hours per week distributed according to the official schedule. Each lesson classes will last 50 minutes.
Laboratory practicals The practical classes are mandatory. They will last 21 hours, distributed in three hours per day for 7 days according to the set schedule. The practical sessions are oriented in such a way that allows the student a better understanding of the theoretical part of the program. They also cover aspects that are more superficially treated in the theoretical classes.
1) students must wear a lab coat and the practice script that they can acquire via MOODLE
2) before each practice the student will have to read the protocol of this carefully; this will allow making the most of your knowledge, and to answer the corresponding questionnaire.
Important notice: Those students who will lose more than two practices without just cause, will be performing a personalized examination (see assessment). This will not exempt you from the final practical exam, as it is only one way to evaluate the pra
Seminars The Seminars will consist of presentations in the PowerPoint format that students will do in groups of 3 or 4 about a recent publication that evaluates aspects related to the contents of the theoretical subjects. The members of each working group, as well as the corresponding papers, will be assigned by the teachers in charge of seminars.
The presentation must include:
- Introduction (10 min)
- Article content (10-15 min)
- The problem that is posed
- Results obtained
Personal attention