Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2009)
Topic Sub-topic
Introduction to the metabolism of microorganisms 1. Metabolic dynamics of unicellular microorganisms. Composition of prokaryotic cells: macromolecules, elements. Sources of carbon, nitrogen, others. Power source. Bases of energy metabolism: synthesis of ATP and reduction potentials. Metabolic diversity and main metabolic types.
Tipus de metabolismes 2. Types of phototrophic microorganisms. Oxygenic photoautrophy. Anoxygenic photoautrophy. Photoheterotrophy. Fototrophy of the archaea.
3. Quimiolitotrofisms. Use of hydrogen. Oxidation of ammonia and nitrite. Oxidation of sulfur and iron compounds. Chemotherapyheterotrophy or mixotrophy.
4. Meta-genic metabolism. Homoacetogenesis Diazotrophy: fixation of atmospheric nitrogen.
5. Anaerobic respiration. Reduction of nitrates or denitrification. Reduction of sulphates. Reduction of other electron acceptors.
6. Aerobic respiration. Diversity of substrates used for breathing. Decomposition of organic matter Incomplete oxidation of alcohols. Methroutrophy and methylotrophy. Oxidative degradation of xenobiotic compounds. Cometabolism Bioluminescence.
7. Fermentations: Main types of fermentation: alcoholic, lactic, propionic, acid-mixed, 2,3-butadiene, butyric, acetone-butanol, amino acids and others. Particular fermentations with ATPase.
Anabolism 8. Biosynthesis of primary metabolites. Central routes. Anabolism of sugars. Biosynthesis of amino acids. Biosynthesis of other metabolites.

Secondary metabolism 9. Routes and starting points of the various secondary metabolites.
Origin of metabolic diversity 10. Metabolic prehistory. Origin of life. Metabolic evolution of prokaryotes. Origin of eukaryotes.