Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Teacher Train. for Second. Ed. and Vocation. Trainig & Lang. Stud. (2009)
Introductory activities Activities designed to make contact with students, collect information about them and present the subject.
Lecture Description of the contents of the subject.
Debates Activity in which two or more groups defend opposing positions on a particular issue..
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom Problems and exercises related to the subject are formulated, analysed, solved and debated.
Practical cases/ case studies in the classroom Strategy consisting of students collaboratively solving problems and reflecting on their experiences.
PBL (Problem Based Learning) Strategy consisting of students collaboratively solving problems and reflecting on their experiences.
Presentations / oral communications Oral presentations by the students on particular issues. They can be delivered face to face, by video recording or live by videoconference.
Previous study Students engage in research, reading, documentation and laboratory exercises.
Assignments Students do exercises based on the material and bibliography provided by the lecturers. These assignments have a scope that extends beyond that of the problem solving exercises.
Forums of debate Students argue and confront their ideas on a particular issue using asynchronous tools such as the forum of the Virtual Campus.
IT-based practicals Students apply the theory of a knowledge area in a particular practical context. They engage in a series of independent IT-based exercises.
Personal attention Every lecturer has time set aside to attend students and respond to their queries. Students can be seen face to face or use the subject’s online forum and/or web conferencing.