Guia docent 
Facultat de Ciències de l'Educació i Psicologia
A A 
Doble titulació de grau en Educació Infantil i en Educació Primària (2013)
Activitats Introductòries Introductory activities- Introduction of the field and the different topics.
Resolució de problemes, exercicis Problem solving, exercises- Students will have to analyse some practical cases according to the theory studied. This will also be part of the final mark.
Fòrums de debat Forums of debate- The class will have a space where the teacher will post reflections and questions about the topics studied.
Lectura de documentació escrita / gràfica elaborada Reading written documents and graphs- The students will have to read many articles and boock chapters related to the topics.
Fòrums de debat Forums of debate- The course will have forums related to all the topics studied in class to share ideas and raise questions.
Atenció personalitzada Personal attention- Students will be in touch with the teacher on a regular basis.