Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in English Studies (2009)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A1 Identifica les característiques del llenguatge humà.
Valora la riquesa lingüística del món.
 A4 Realitza lectures i recensions sobre etnografies i monografies antropològiques.
Realitza treballs de reflexió i síntesi a partir de la cerca en les fonts bibliogràfiques fonamentals relacionades amb la diversitat cultural i el multiculturalisme.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT5 Produce quality texts that have no grammatical or spelling errors, are properly structured and make appropriate and consistent use of formal and bibliographic conventions.
Draw up texts that are structured, clear, cohesive, rich and of the appropriate length.
Draw up texts that are appropriate to the communicative situation, consistent and persuasive.
Use the techniques of non-verbal communication and the expressive resources of the voice to make a good oral presentation.
Construct a discourse that is structured, clear, cohesive, rich and of the appropriate length.
Produce a discourse that is appropriate to the communicative situation, consistent and persuasive, and interact effectively with the audience.
 CT7 Students are aware of the inequalities and the discrimination caused by gender and other factors, and understand the reasons that account for them.
Be able to identify major environmental problems.
Recognise and reflect on social needs and problems, and get involved in improving the community.
Recognise the ethical and deontological concepts in their field of expertise, show an ability for criticism and dialogue, and respect the rules and regulations that members of the university community must abide by.
Type C Code Learning outcomes