Guía docente 
Facultad de Letras
A A 
Grado en Inglés (2009)
Actividades introductorias Introductory sessions will offer an overview of the coursework and will address key terms and concepts for discussing literature.
Sesión magistral These lectures will constitute the main theoretical input of the course. Exemplification will often be with previously assigned readings. Familiarity with and understanding of the content of these lectures and how it applies to the texts studied will be tested in the three tests.
Seminarios These sessions will provide practice in discussing key texts. It is important that you prepare the texts to be discussed before coming to class. The seminars will give you the opportunity to express your opinions and analysis orally, to raise questions, iron out difficulties and learn.
Trabajos You will be given a total of three texts on which to write a commentary/essay for each. Written work will be structured along lines indicated by the tutor, and will range from answering comprehension questions, to a more open critical essay format.
Estudios previos These anticipatory studies will take the form of a journal, in which each student will record the impression and experience of reading assigned texts, and the issues they raise, before class discussion. They will also typically contain a reflection after the relevant class, recording how the student's understanding has been effected by the discussion in class. They are a record of personal learning. They are not a simple record of class discussion, or a collection of course notes. Students will be expected to make at least one or two entries per week of a minimum of 300 words total per week. These journals will be collected after the first three weeks, for orientation and feedback, and at the end of the course, for assessment.
Atención personalizada Students will be called for a brief interview with the tutor, in which they will be expected to answer questions on the course content, and specifically indicated texts.