Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in English Studies (2009)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Final Essay
Your final essay is intended to give you an opportunity to think critically about the material we have read and to explore these texts by presenting a coherent argument which will be substantiated in the paper. The paper should be 2.000 words long, due on the first week of January. Your paper will require library research and use of critical and theoretical secondary sources.
Mixed tests
Mid-term exam
The mid-term exam will last approximately one hour and it will take place on the first week of November.

Participation and attendance (10%) You should come to class prepared to address the day's material. This means completing all the primary reading before class, bringing the reading to class, and being prepared to discuss the reading thoughtfully. During class discussion, I expect you to be attentive to what your classmates have to say and respectful of their ideas and opinions. Oral presentation (15%) Oral presentations will be conducted individually according to the table schedule uploaded on Moodle. They must be approximately 10-15 minutes long. For the purposes of the presentation, you should conduct extensive library and internet research. A handout including important quotations, topics covered, and works consulted must be prepared and provided to each class member. You should also be prepared to answer questions at the end of your presentation. All your sources will have to be acknowledged orally and in the handout.

Other comments and second exam session

If you do not, or cannot, complete the Continuous Assessment programme satisfactorily, you will have to write a Research Paper, in the Segona Convocatoria.

The Segona Convocatoria, will consist of a 3,000-3,500 word analysis of author(s) and work(s) developed through close reading and secondary sources. The Research Paper should provide an authoritative answer which demonstrates a good command of the topic and independent thought. It should be a critically acute and perceptive piece of work, demonstrating an ability to analyse the significance and function of literary features.

The mark achieved by the student in this final paper will amount to 100% of their overall course mark.

All papers will be submitted to the platform Ouriginal. Cases of plagiarism will result in the automatic failure of the specific CA component of the course in which it is detected. This will imply the failure of the CA. A recurrence of plagiarism in the same student's work will result in a '0' - Suspension being given as a final course mark.