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Facultad de Letras
A A 
Grado en Historia del Arte y Arqueología (2018)
   Fuentes de información


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BLANCO FREIJEIRO, A., Arte antiguo de Asia Anterior, Sevilla, 1981 (2ª ed.).

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CONTENEAU, C., Manuel d'archéologie orientale, París, 1927 1947 (4 vols.).

FRANKFORT, H. Arte y arquitectura del Oriente antiguo, Madrid, 1982.

LAMPL, P. Cities and Planning in the Ancient Near Eastern, Nueva York, 1968.

LEICK, G. A Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Architecture, Londres Nueva York, 1988.

LLOYD, S. Arte del antiguo Medio Oriente, Barcelona, 1952.

LLOYD,S., MÜLLER,H.W., Architettura delle origini, Milán, 1972.

MELLAART, J. Earliest Civilizations of the Near East, Londres, 1965 (reimp. 1978).

MOSCATI, S. Historical Art in the Ancient Near East, Roma, 1963.

PARROT, A. Orient Ancien, París, 1978.

SCHAFFER H., ANDRAE,W., Arte del antiguo Oriente, Barcelona, 1933.

SODEN, W. von, Introducción al orientalismo antiguo, Sabadell, 1987.

WOOLLEY, L. Mesopotamia y Asia anterior, Barcelona, 1962.



MELLAART, J. Çatal Hüyük, Londres Nueva York, 1967.

MELLAART, J. Villes primitives d'Asie Mineure, París Bruselas, 1969.

ALBRIGHT, W.F. Arqueología en Palestina, Barcelona, 1962.

MELLAART, J. Excavation at Hacilar I II, Edimburgo, 1970.

KENYON, K. Arqueología en Tierra Santa, Barcelona, 1963.

KENYON, K. Desenterrando a Jericó, México, 1966.

BIENKOWSKI, P. Jericho in the Late Bronze Age, Warminster, Wiltshire, 1986.


KRAMER,S.N., From the Tablets of Ur, Indianapolis, Col., 1965.

KLENGEL,H., Hammurabi von Babylon und seine Zeit, Berlín, 1980 (4ª ed.).

GLASSNER,J.J., La chute d'Akkad, Berliner Beiträge, 5, Berlín, 1987.

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HEINTZ,J.G., Bibliographie de Mari. Archéologie et textes 1933 1988, París, 1983.

MITCHELL,T.C., Sumerian Art, Londres, 1969.

PARROT,A., Archéologie Mésopotamienne, 2 vols., vol. 1: Les etapes, París, 1946; vol. II: Techniques et problèmes, París, 1953.

UNGER,E., Arte sumero acadio, Barcelona, 1931.

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WOOLLEY,L., Ur of the Chaldees, Londres, 1935.

SAFAR,F., MUSTAFA,M.A., LLOYD,S., Eridu, Bagdad, 1983.

RASSAM, H. Asshur and the Land of Nimrod, Nueva York, 1897 (reimp. 1971).

FRANKFORT,H., Birth of Civilization in the Near East, Londres, 1951.

PARROT,A., Sumer, Madrid, 1969.

PARROT,A., Asur, Madrid, 1970.

MOORTGART,A., The Art of Ancient Mesopotamia, Londres Nueva York, 1969.

KRAMER,S.N., The Sumerians, Chicago, 1963.

FOLCH i TORRES,J., Història de l'Art. Mesopotàmia, Barcelona, 1922.

ELLIS,R.S., A Bibliography of Mesopotamian Archaeological Sites, Harrassowitz Wiesbaden, 1972.

COLLON,D., First Impressions: Cylinder Seals in the Ancient Near East Londres, 1987.

DELOUGAZ,P., HILL,H., LLOYD,S., Private Houses and Graves in the Diyala Region, Oriental Inst. Pub., 88, Chicago, 1967.

CURTIS,J.(ed.), Fifty Years of Mesopotamian Discovery, Londres, 1983.

DAMS,R., NIESSEN,H.J., The Uruk Countryside, Chicago, 1972.

FRANKFORT,H., Archaeology and the Sumerian Problem en Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, 4, Chicago, 1932.



BERGHE, L.van der, Bibliographie analytique de l'Assyriologie et de l'archéologie du Proche Orient, Leiden, 1956.

RAVN,O.E., Herodotus' Description of Babylon, Copenhague, 1942.

GARELLI,P., L'Assyriologie, París, 1964.

PORADA,E., Antiguo Irán, Barcelona, 1963.

GODARD,A., El arte del Irán, Barcelona, 1969.

GHIRSHMAN,R., Persia. Protoiranios, Medos, Aqueménidas, Madrid, 1964.

POPE,A.U., A Survey of Persian Art, Oxford, 1938 (6 vols.).

ÖZGUÇ,T., Les hittites, Ankara, 1979.

MONTENEGRO,A., El imperio hitita, Bilbao, 1967.

BITTEL,K., Hattusa. Capital of the Hittites, Nueva York, 1970.

AKURGAL,E., L'arte degli ititti, Florencia, 1962.

BITTEL,K., Los hititas, Madrid, 1976.



TURNER,G., Late Assyrian Palaces and their Mesopotamian Antecedents, London Institute of Archaeology, Londres, 1967.

JONES,F., The Topography of Ninive, Bombay, 1957.

KOLDEWEY,R., The Excavation at Babylon, Londres, 1914.

LOUD,G., ALTMANN,C.B., Khorsabad, vol. II, Oriental Inst. Pub., 40, Chicago, 1938.

NAUMANN,H., Architektur Kleinasiens vin ihren Anfängen bis zum Ende der hethitischen Zeit, Tübingen, 1971 (2ª ed.).

KOLDEWEY,R., Das Wiedererstehende Babylon, Leipzig, 1925.

LEACROFT,H.R., The Buildings of Ancient Mesopotamia, Leicester, 1974.

LAYARD,A.H., Discoveries in the Ruins of Niniveh and Babylon, Londres, 1853.

LOUD,G., Khorsabad, vol. I, Oriental Inst. Pub., 38, Chicago, 1936.

MALLOWAN,M.E.L., The Development of the Cities from Al'Ubaid to the End of Uruk V en Cambridge Ancient History, vol. I,1, Cambridge, 1970.

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PARIBENI,R., Architettura dell'Oriente antico, Bérgamo, 1937.

KUBBA,S.A.A., Mesopotamian Architecture and Town Planning from the Mesolithic to the End of the Proto historic period, c. 10000 3500 BC., BAR Int. Ser., 367, Oxford, 1987 (2 vols.).

BOTTA,P.E., FLANDIN,E., Monuments de Ninive, París, 1949 1950 (5 vols).

PARROT,A., Niniveh and Babylon, Londres, 1961.

PARROT,A., Mission archéologique de Mari I. Le temple d'Ishtar, París, 1956; II. Le palais, París, 1958 (3 vols.).

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