Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Professional English-Spanish Translation (2015)
Introductory activities The course will begin with an initial discussion of the life of the professional translator and the linguistic and technological competences they need to produce quality professional translations efficiently. The course design, structure and format will also be presented and the course assignments and evaluations will be defined.
Reading written documents and graphs Students read and work on documents published in a variety of formats. The documents can be selected or produced by the lecturers so that students can develop the more theoretical competencies and acquire the knowledge they need for practical activities.
Self-monitoring activities Students are asked to do some activities, which have little weight in the final grade, that enable them to control their learning process. These activities can be of various sorts. One of the most common formats is the self-assessment test.
videoconferencing Presentation of subject content, presentation of activities, problem solving and queries using videoconferencing. This activity requires students and lecturers to be present at the same time and the amount of interaction depends on the objectives. It may be recorded so that it can be made available to students in the virtual classroom.
Problem solving, exercises Problems and exercises related to the subject are formulated, analysed, solved and debated.
Forums of debate Students argue and confront their ideas on a particular issue using asynchronous tools such as the forum of the Virtual Campus.
Collaborative work Students engage in group work. The main aim of this activity is for students to work together to achieve a common goal. All the members contribute their own knowledge and learning to the knowledge and learning of the group.
Personal attention To contact students during the course the tutor will use their official URV email address. Students are also welcome to consult their tutor during official office hours or by email.