Educational guide 
Faculty of Business and Economics
A A 
International Markets (2016)
Introductory activities Course presentation, personal introductions using elevator pitches, and business personality assessments.
Lecture Each lecture will introduce and discuss related vocabulary and English idioms or business jargon related to the theme of the class. The classes will be interactive and will include both teacher-centric and student-centric activities, such as group work and group discussion.
Presentations / oral communications Students will be required to perform two presenations in front of the class. The first is a midterm thesis presentation and the second is a sales presentation. For any ERASMUS students attending the course, they can create a fake thesis or do an informative presentation Additionally, the students will be involved in role play activities when discussing telephone communication, the job interview, and the sales meeting.
Assignments There will be two written assignments.
Written Assignment 1: A business thesis proposal
Written Assignment 2: Create a job application, which includes the following - an American-style resumé, a Europass CV, a LinkedIn profile, and a cover letter.

Personal attention Students are welcome to discuss class-related issues with the instructor during her office hours