Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry (2009)
   Specific action plan / execution
Introductory activities Introductory meeting of the module conducted by the coordinator.
Seminar/s on skills needed to properly develop the project.
Selecting/assigning the bachelor’s degree/master’s degree thesis Meeting for the work assignment conducted by the coordinator.
Mechanisms for coordinating and monitoring the bachelor’s degree/master’s degree thesis Periodic meetings with the academic tutor and the student will be held in the case of projects done in companies, research centres or other universities.

The student will prepare and deliver a mid-term report (2-3 pages) with the following sections: Introduction/Objectives/Preliminary Results/Future studies/Preliminary Conclusions/Bibliography
Drafting of the bachelor’s degree/master’s degree thesis Planning, experimental development, discussions of results, preparation of the report and oral presentation.
Assignments Mid-term report
Presentation and defence of the bachelor’s degree/master’s degree thesis Public defense of the project in front of a court.