Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2009)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom
Practical questions and problems related to the theory will be solved in class. The correct application of the contents explained in class will be valued in the correct and reasoned resolution of questions and problems. 10%
Presentations / oral communications
Oral presentation made by the student of a scientific article of application of the contents of the subject. It will be valued:
- content: level, structuring, search for information.
- answers to questions asked.
- grammatical correction of the presentation
- clarity of presentation, if done in an interesting and convincing way, as well as the way to express oneself in public.
-correct use of the presentation editor (PowerPoint).
Compulsory audience participation with questions and concerns will also be valued.
Short-answer objective tests
The correct application of the contents explained in class will be valued in the correct and reasoned resolution of questions and problems. 50%
Other comments and second exam session

In the second call there will be an exam that will mean 50% of the final grade. The other 50% will correspond to the mark obtained in the presentation and the exercises done in class of the first call.

During the assessment tests, mobile phones, tablets and other devices not expressly authorized for the test must be switched off and out of sight.

The demonstratively fraudulent realization of some evaluative activity of some asignatura so much in material support as virtual and electronic carries to the student the note of suspense of this evaluative activity. Regardless of this, given the gravity of the facts, the center may propose the initiation of a disciplinary proceeding, which will be initiated by resolution of the rector.