Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
A A 
Energy Conversion Systems and Technologies (2019)
Introductory activities Activitats dirigides a prendre contacte i recollir informació dels estudiants. També es farà una presentació de l'assignatura descrivint els objectius d'aprenentatge, continguts, metodologies, sistemes d'avaluació i competències que es treballaran.
videoconferencing Presentation of subject contents and/or activities presentation through webconference. This activity requires synchronous presence of students and faculty. Its development allows different degrees of interactivity depending on the intended objectives. This activity can be recorded at the time of its development to facilitate subsequent consultation.
Reading written documents and graphs Reading and working of documentation published in different formats, with the aim of facilitating the development of competences with more theoretical nature and acquire the knowledge necessary for the development of practical activities.
Webcasting Presentation of subject contents in previously recorded video format. This activity does not require synchronous presence of students and teachers and does not allow interactivity directly. However, it can be used to propose asynchronous interactive activities such as a forum.
Problem solving, exercises Analysis and resolution of a problem or concrete practical exercise related to the topic of the subject. This activity has a more limited scope and a smaller extension than the assignments. This activity has a more limited scope and a smaller extension than the assignments.
Forums of debate Activities in which, individually or in groups, the participants argue and confront ideas on a specific topic, by using asynchronous tools such as the Virtual Campus Forum.
Practical cases/ case studies Statement of a situation (real or simulated) in which the student must work to give a solution to the topic, solve a series of specific questions or make a global reflection.
Self-monitoring activities Activities proposed to the student, with a minimum weight, which serve so that the student can self-regulate their learning.
Personal attention Planificar, guiar, dinamitzar, seguir i avaluar el procés d'aprenentatge de l'estudiant tenint en compte el seu perfil interessos, necessitats, coneixements previs, etc.) i les característiques / exigències del context