Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
A A 
Energy Conversion Systems and Technologies (2019)
   Specific action plan / execution
Introductory activities
Activities directed to contact the student contact and collect information and presentation of the subject
Mechanisms for coordinating and monitoring the bachelor’s degree/master’s degree thesis Meetings with the tutors and presentation of the advances in programmed sessions
The tutors will prepare a Work Monitoring Report that will collect a summary of each meeting and the presentations of advances.
Drafting of the bachelor’s degree/master’s degree thesis The student will have to prepare a work, directly related to the subjects of the Master, on a subject that you choose. In him, he will have to mobilize both the knowledge and the skills that he has acquired during his studies. It must be a contribution, either of an innovative nature and must necessarily contemplate theoretical and practical aspects of the subject in question, as well as its connection with the professional and / or research practice in the field of the Master's.
The objective is to demonstrate that the competences of the degree have been assimilated and acquired, through the presentation of the master's final work, and their subsequent defense before a university court. This work is an integration exercise of the training contents received and will apply the set of competences acquired by the students.
The presentation and defense of the MT will be public.
Personal attention This guidance is carried out by the teacher of each subject with the students enrolled in the same. The purpose of this guidance is to plan, guide, dynamise, monitor and evaluate the student's learning process, taking into account their profile interests, needs, previous knowledge, etc.) and the characteristics / requirements of the context ( EEES, academic / professional profile, social-labor demand, etc.).
The actions that will be carried out are the following:
- Welcome to the subject
- Weekly dynamism
- News and events
- Resolution of academic doubts
- Retroaction with the correction of activities
- Abandonment of the subject
- End of the subject
The development of these actions will be carried out with the support of the tools offered by the Virtual Campus Moodle, within the virtual classroom of each subject. So that the best orientation and possible follow-up is offered considering the face-to-face or virtual modality of each subject.
Presentation and defence of the bachelor’s degree/master’s degree thesis The work report in the format determined, must be submitted to the coordinator of the TFM subject prior to the deadline of each call.
The work will be presented orally by the student in front of a court of 3 professors. These professors will have the roles of president, vowel and secretary of the court. At least one of them will be an external member of the URV.
The MT can be defended face-to-face or virtually by videoconferencing.