Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Psychology (2009)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        

Practical work: from the data provided by the teachers of the course, the student will have to interpret the personality of an individual and solve the situations (questions) that are posed. The work will have to be done in group
Presentations / oral communications
The students will have to make an oral presentation of the results of the practical work of Seminars 10%
Multiple-choice objective tests
At the end of each of the blocks of the course (block I and II), a multiple-choice test will be given. If the student does not get a 5, he/she could recovered it in the official exam. The exam will be a multiple-choice test (errors will be penalized). 60%
Practical tests
Practical work: the student will have to make a report with the graphic profile of the personality and intelligence of one individual after the administration of some personality and intelligence questionnaires.
The work will have to be done in a group.
Other comments and second exam session

In order to pass the course, the student must have passed the two theoretical exams (grade equal or higher than 5 in each one). In addition, the sum of all graded activities (exam + seminar + laboratory) must also be equal or higher than 5.

In case of failing any of the two partial exams of the course, it can be recovered in a second call that will correspond to the official exam call.

In case of failing any of the practical works of the course (seminars and/or laboratories), it will be possible to recover through an exam to develop on the basis of practical cases. This exam will take place on the day of the official evaluation call.

In accordance with current regulations, during the realization of the objective tests, electronic devices (cell phones, tablets, laptops) must be kept turned off and stored with the pertinences. The student's exam that contravenes this rule will be cancelled.