Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogy (2009)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A6 Coneix i diferencia els principals mètodes, dissenys i instruments de l'avaluació i la investigació.
 A7 Coneix i diferencia els conceptes i dimensions de l'avaluació, el diagnòstic i la investigació en educació.
Adquireix les destreses per a la recollida i anàlisi de dades.
 A9 Entén els fonaments científics i epistemològics de la investigació educativa.
Dissenya, planifica i projecta investigacions qualitatives i quantitatives.
Coneix i diferencia els principals mètodes, dissenys i instruments de l'avaluació i la investigació.
Adquireix les destreses per a la recollida i anàlisi de dades.
Localitza i utilitza fonts bibliogràfiques i documentals d'informació actualitzades.
Utilitza els recursos tecnològics adequats en els diferents processos d'investigació educativa.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B3 Be aware of the limitations and weak points of their work processes and methods.
Analyze the risks and benefits of innovation.
Analyze the risks and benefits of innovation.
 B4 Manage and organize their work and time as scheduled.
Do the work planned in accordance with the quality criteria provided.
 B5 Help to define, organize and distribute the group’s tasks.
 B6 Analyze, appraise and respond to the questions they are asked during an oral presentation.
Draft documents with the appropriate format, content, structure, language accuracy and register, and illustrate concepts using the appropriate conventions: formats, titles, footnotes, captions, etc.
Prepare their presentations and use a variety of presentation strategies (audiovisual support, eye contact, voice, gesture, time, etc.).
Type C Code Learning outcomes
 C3 Locate and access information effectively and efficiently.
Critically evaluate information and its sources, and add it to their own knowledge base and system of values.
Have a full understanding of the economic, legal, social and ethical implications of accessing and using information.
 C4 Produce well structured, clear and effective oral texts.
Produce oral texts that are appropriate to the communicative situation.
Produce well-structured, clear and rich written texts
Produce written texts that are appropriate to the communicative situation
 C5 Be respectful of and promote human rights and the principles of universal accessibility, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for th ose with special educational needs.
 C6 Identify their training needs.
Define and study their curriculum bearing in mind their training needs, and their academic and pr ofessional interests and motivations