Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogy (2009)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A3 Coneix els diversos àmbits professional del pedagog/a.
 A5 Coneix els serveis, centres i institucions vinculats a l'àmbit professional escollit per a realitzar les pràctiques.
 A6 Identifica les característiques dels individus i/o grups sobre els que s'incidirà.
Identifica els aspectes institucionals i organitzatius més rellevants del servei, centre o institució escollida.
 A7 Dissenya, desenvolupa i avalua un projecte o programa d'intervenció pedagògica.
Identifica les característiques dels individus i/o grups sobre els que s'incidirà.
 A8 Aplica correctament les tècniques d'intervenció pedag+ògica que requereix el context de pràctiques.
 A11 Elabora un discurs sintètic, coherent i que comunica els resultats del treball.
 A12 Comunica correctament en llegua pròpia o amb anglès un resum coherent dels treball realitzat.
Accepta i integra crítiques sobre la seva actuació com a futur professional.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B1 Learn by asking questions and take an interest in clearing up doubts.
Ask intelligent questions that challenge what they have learned and show initiative in their search for information.
Contrast their own mental schemas with those of others and exploit the differences as an opportunity to learn.
Set their own learning objectives.
Make significant contributions and be responsible for some innovation.
 B2 Understand problems and be able to break them down into manageable parts.
Adopt a method of analysis that enables them to identify non-obvious causes and evaluate their impact on problems.
Anticipate problems before they arise.
 B3 Analyze the risks and benefits of innovation.
Find new methods for doing things.
Put forward new ideas, opportunities or solutions to familiar problems and/or processes.
Reflect on the causes and the purposes of innovation.
Apply innovative techniques and obtain results.
 B4 Manage and organize their work and time as scheduled.
Present results before the stipulated deadlines.
Recognize the good and bad points of their approach to a particular task.
Decide how to do a particular job so that it is of the highest quality possible.
Decide what needs to be done for a particular job/project and do it according to schedule.
Take correct decisions at key moments confidently, consistently and systematically.
Reflect on their learning process and learning needs.
 B5 Identify the group’s objectives as their own.
Help to define, organize and distribute the group’s tasks.
Bear in mind the opinions of others and give constructive feedback.
Accept and comply with the rules of the group.
Help to draw up and apply the team’s work processes.
Ensure that the way they communicate and relate to others contributes to the cohesion of the group.
Take an interest in the importance of the group’s activity.
Take active part in planning the work of the team, and in distributing the tasks and the deadlines.
Direct meetings effectively.
Propose ambitious, clearly defined goals to the group.
Help to manage the differences, disagreements and conflicts that arise in the group in a positive manner.
Encourage all members to take part in the management and smooth running of the team.
 B6 Intervene effectively and convey relevant information.
Control their nerves sufficiently to be able to express themselves in public.
Structure their presentations and comply with any requirements should there be any.
Use other media to support the message of their presentations.
Reply to the questions that they are asked.
Volunteer to make the necessary presentations in public.
Understand that non-verbal language is appropriate to verbal discourse.
Plan their communications: generate ideas, search for information, select and order the information, make schemes, determine the type of audience and the objectives of the communication, etc.
Make interesting and persuasive presentations.
Analyze, appraise and respond to the questions they are asked during an oral presentation.
Draft documents with the appropriate format, content, structure, language accuracy and register, and illustrate concepts using the appropriate conventions: formats, titles, footnotes, captions, etc.
Prepare their presentations and use a variety of presentation strategies (audiovisual support, eye contact, voice, gesture, time, etc.).
Adapt their arguments to different groups and/or situations.
Encourage their audiences to participate and ask constructive questions to stimulate dialogue.
Adapt the form of their message to different situations.
 B7 Conèixer el concepte de desenvolupament sostenible
Be aware of the various approaches to sustainable development and understand their social, economic and environmental implications, bearing in mind political and ideological positions.
Identify the problems and consequences of sustainable development.
Understand the tools and the processes for applying criteria of sustainability to design and evaluate solutions.
Acquire the skills and attitudes required to integrate the concept of sustainable development into decision taking.
Solve problems taking into account sustainable development and its implications.
Ensure that their studies and projects have social, economic and environmental dimensions.
Ensure that their decisions reflect a clear awareness of the social and environmental responsibility of their profession.
Understand sustainability from an interdisciplinary perspective, bearing in mind the global situation and the challenges it poses.
 B8 Describe situations and justify the need for projects.
Set clear objectives for projects.
Take active part in planning the teamwork, in distributing the members and in ensuring a good performance.
Schedule the time required to complete the tasks to be done.
Plan to evaluate the results of the project.
Base their description of the context of the project on evidence and facts, and be aware of the legal and economic resources required to carry the project into effect.
Ensure that the objectives of projects are consistent with the needs detected in the context.
Estimate the efficacy and efficiency of the actions carried out, and take advantage of all the resources at their disposal.
Plan monitoring mechanisms.
Identify possible risks inherent to projects
Appraise and prioritize the needs and resources in a real intervention context, paying particular attention to the needs that are the objective of the project.
Ensure that long-term objectives are made visible in operational objectives.
Ensure that the objectives of the project involve the whole team.
Distribute responsibility and tasks as a function of the potential of each member of the team, and adapt any action taken to the incidents and changes that come about as the project is taking place.
Monitor the implementation of the project in order to evaluate the results and monitor the risks inherent to the project carried out.
Type C Code Learning outcomes
 C1 Express opinions on abstract or cultural topics in a limited fashion.
Understand instructions about classes or tasks assigned by the teaching staff.
Understand routine information and articles.
Understand the general meaning of texts that have non-routine information in a familiar subject area.
 C2 Understand basic computer hardware.
Understand the operating system as a hardware manager and the software as a working tool.
Use software for off-line communication: word processors, spreadsheets and digital presentations.
Use software for on-line communication: interactive tools (web, moodle, blogs, etc.), e-mail, forums, chat rooms, video conferences, collaborative work tools, etc.
 C3 Locate and access information effectively and efficiently.
Critically evaluate information and its sources, and add it to their own knowledge base and system of values.
Have a full understanding of the economic, legal, social and ethical implications of accessing and using information.
Reflect on, review and evaluate the information management process.
 C4 Produce grammatically correct oral texts.
Produce well structured, clear and effective oral texts.
Produce oral texts that are appropriate to the communicative situation.
Produce grammatically correct written texts
Produce well-structured, clear and rich written texts
Produce written texts that are appropriate to the communicative situation
 C5 Respect fundamental rights and equality between men and women.
Be respectful of and promote human rights and the principles of universal accessibility, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for th ose with special educational needs.
Be respectful of the values of a culture of peace and democracy.
 C6 Develop resources and strategies that will ease their transition into working life.