Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Social Education (2009)
Topic Sub-topic
Module 1. Learning within the framework of basic psychological processes. 1.1 Introduction to Psychology
1.2 Introduction to basic psychological processes
1.3 Perception and attention
1.4 Learning and memory
1.5 Motivation and emotion
1.6 Language, reasoning and problem solving.


Module 1. Introduction to developmental psychology 1.1 Concept and object of study of developmental psychology
1.2 Periods and dimensions of development
1.3 Basic principles of human development
1.4 Explanatory models and theories of development
Module 2. Physical and psychomotor development during childhood.
2.1. Physical growth and brain development
2.2 Development of gross and fine motor skills
2.3. Invisible psychomotricity (tone, breathing control, balance, space/time structuring)
2.4 Construction of the body scheme
2.5 Optimizing physical development and psychomotor skills.
Module 3. Affective and social development during childhood 3.1 Construction and evolution of affective bonds
3.2 The family as a context of development during childhood
3.3 Personal development and construction of identity
3.4 Social development and friendly relations
3.5 Contribution of play to child development
3.6 Development of norms and values
Module 4 Cognitive and linguistic development during childhood. 4.1 Interpret and understand the world: from 0 to 2 years, from 2 to 6 years and from 6 to 12 years
4.2 Awareness and self-regulation of cognitive processes
4.3 Diversity of intelligences
4.4 Development of communication and linguistic skills
Module 1. Introduction to educational psychology 1.1 Concept and object of study of Educational Psychology
1.2 Developmental contexts, educational settings and practices
1.3 Characteristics of educational practices
1.4 The constructivist conception of teaching and learning
Module 2. Intrapersonal psychological factors involved in learning 2.1 Psychological factors involved in learning
2.2 Individual differences in the cognitive field
2.3 Individual differences in the affective sphere and personality
Module 3. Interpersonal and contextual psychological factors involved in learning 3.1 Educational settings and contexts
3.2 Teacher-student interaction in the teaching/learning process
3.3 The construction of knowledge among equals

Module 4. Psychological processes involved in learning educational content 4.1 The development of skills and competencies
4.2 Learning and evaluation of the different types of educational content