Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Social Education (2009)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A2 Demostra pensament crític i creatiu amb capacitat d'adoptar un enfoc ètic en aquest àmbit de la professió.
 A6 Dissenya, desenvolupa i avalua un projecte o programa d'intervenció educativa.
 A10 Aplica correctament les tècniques d'intervenció socioeducativa.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B2 Adopt realistic strategies for solving problems.
Anticipate problems before they arise.
Analyze problems and their causes from an overall perspective and in the medium and the long term.
Direct systematic processes for taking group decisions.
Transfer classroom exercises and the cases they have studied to real situations in other environments.
Obtain the support they need from others for their decisions to be successful.
 B3 Find new methods for doing things.
Design new products and processes, and analyze risks and benefits.
Apply innovative techniques and obtain results.
 B5 Take active part in planning the work of the team, and in distributing the tasks and the deadlines.
Direct meetings effectively.
Propose ambitious, clearly defined goals to the group.
Help to manage the differences, disagreements and conflicts that arise in the group in a positive manner.
Fomenta que tots els membres es comprometin amb la gestió i funcionament de l'equip
Type C Code Learning outcomes
 C3 Critically evaluate information and its sources, and add it to their own knowledge base and system of values.
 C5 Be respectful of and promote human rights and the principles of universal accessibility, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for th ose with special educational needs.
 C6 Identify their own academic and professional interests and motivations.