Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Social Education (2009)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A2 Coneix els serveis, centres i institucions vinculats a l'àmbit professional de la "Intervenció socioeducativa en desadaptació social".
Demostra pensament crític i creatiu amb capcitat per a adoptar un enfoc ètic en aquest àmbit de la professió.
 A3 Identifica les característiques dels individus i/o grups sobre els quals s'incidirà.
Demostra pensament crític i creatiu amb capcitat per a adoptar un enfoc ètic en aquest àmbit de la professió.
 A6 Dissenya, desenvolupa i avalua un projecte o programa d'intervenció educativa.
Demostra pensament crític i creatiu amb capcitat per a adoptar un enfoc ètic en aquest àmbit de la professió.
Aplica correctament les tècniques d'intervenció socioeducativa
 A10 Demostra pensament crític i creatiu amb capcitat per a adoptar un enfoc ètic en aquest àmbit de la professió.
Dissenya, desenvolupa i avalua un projecte o programa d'intervenció educativa.
Aplica correctament les tècniques d'intervenció socioeducativa
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B2 Identify problems and take decisions to solve them.
Collect the information they need so that they can solve problems using data and not subjective opinion, and subjecting the information at their disposal to logical analysis.
Follow a logical method to identify the causes of a problem and not merely accept the symptoms.
Provide alternative solutions to a problem and evaluate risks and advantages.
Draw up strategies to solve problems.
Understand problems and be able to break them down into manageable parts.
Adopt a method of analysis that enables them to identify non-obvious causes and evaluate their impact on problems.
Present possible solutions that are mostly effective at solving problems.
Find appropriate solutions.
Adopt realistic strategies for solving problems.
Anticipate problems before they arise.
Analyze problems and their causes from an overall perspective and in the medium and the long term.
Direct systematic processes for taking group decisions.
Transfer classroom exercises and the cases they have studied to real situations in other environments.
Obtain the support they need from others for their decisions to be successful.
 B3 Be aware of the limitations and weak points of their work processes and methods.
Reflect on new ways of doing things.
Search for new procedures and methods.
Experiment with new procedures.
Identify the results of innovation.
Analyze the risks and benefits of innovation.
 B5 Identify the group’s objectives as their own.
Help to define, organize and distribute the group’s tasks.
Participate actively and share information, knowledge and experience.
Finish the tasks assigned to them in the time allowed and with the resources available.
Bear in mind the opinions of others and give constructive feedback.
Accept and comply with the rules of the group.
Help to draw up and apply the team’s work processes.
Act constructively to deal with any conflicts in the team.
Ensure that the way they communicate and relate to others contributes to the cohesion of the group.
Take an interest in the importance of the group’s activity.
Take active part in planning the work of the team, and in distributing the tasks and the deadlines.
Type C Code Learning outcomes
 C3 Locate and access information effectively and efficiently.
Critically evaluate information and its sources, and add it to their own knowledge base and system of values.
Have a full understanding of the economic, legal, social and ethical implications of accessing and using information.
Reflect on, review and evaluate the information management process.