Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education (2009)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A2 Dissenya i avalua processos d'ensenyament-aprenentatge en educació física de forma autònoma amb responsabilitat i iniciativa.
 A5 Es compromet amb la ètica i la responsabilitat social en diferents contextos.
 A7 Es compromet amb l'ètica i la responsabilitat social en diferents contextos.
 A8 Aplica el pensament crític, lògic, creatiu i innovador en les exposicions orals en educació física.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B1 Share and accept the learning objectives put forward by the teaching staff.
Adapt the learning objectives put forward by the teaching staff.
Have an overview of the various theories and methodologies of a subject.
Autonomously adopt learning strategies in each situation.
Construct shared knowledge, learn and facilitate the joint construction of learning.
 B2 Identify problems and take decisions to solve them.
Collect the information they need so that they can solve problems using data and not subjective opinion, and subjecting the information at their disposal to logical analysis.
Provide alternative solutions to a problem and evaluate risks and advantages.
Understand problems and be able to break them down into manageable parts.
Adopt realistic strategies for solving problems.
 B3 Search for new procedures and methods.
Analyze the risks and benefits of innovation.
Identify things that need to be improved in complex situations and contexts.
 B4 Manage and organize their work and time as scheduled.
Decideix com gestiona i organitza el treball i el temps que necessita per dur a terme una tasca a partir d'una planificació orientativa
Suggest ways of improving the quality of work.
Analyze their limitations and the chances they have of carrying out the task/job.
Decide how to manage and organize work and time.
 B5 Participate actively and share information, knowledge and experience.
Accept and comply with the rules of the group.
Act constructively to deal with any conflicts in the team.
Ensure that the way they communicate and relate to others contributes to the cohesion of the group.
Encourage all members to take part in the management and smooth running of the team.
 B6 Intervene effectively and convey relevant information.
Structure their presentations and comply with any requirements should there be any.
Reply to the questions that they are asked.
Plan their communications: generate ideas, search for information, select and order the information, make schemes, determine the type of audience and the objectives of the communication, etc.
Analyze, appraise and respond to the questions they are asked during an oral presentation.
Prepare their presentations and use a variety of presentation strategies (audiovisual support, eye contact, voice, gesture, time, etc.).
Adapt their arguments to different groups and/or situations.
Encourage their audiences to participate and ask constructive questions to stimulate dialogue.
Adapt the form of their message to different situations.
Type C Code Learning outcomes
 C3 Locate and access information effectively and efficiently.
 C4 Produce well structured, clear and effective oral texts.
Produce written texts that are appropriate to the communicative situation
 C5 Be respectful of the values of a culture of peace and democracy.