Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Infant Education (2009)
Topic Sub-topic
1. General elements 1.1 The human voice
1.2 Vocal registers
1.3 Vocal personality
1.4 The body as an instrument
1.5 Voice and comunication
1.6 Vocal Hygiene
2. Breathing 2.1 Introduction to respiratory functioning
2.2 Inspiration with the belly and thorax
2.3 Abdominal breathing
2.4 The jaw (the open mouth)
2.5 Jaw relaxation
2.6 Different breathing rhythms
2.7 Yawning
3. The voice 3.1 Vocal cords. Breathing
3.2 The phonatory apparatus
3.3 Els ressonadors
3.4 Articulation
3.5 The musical phrase: tuning and rhythm
3.6 Emotions
4. The song 4.1 Song in the Primary School Curriculum
4.2 School uses of song
4.3 Didactics of song: teaching-learning process. Didactic orientations
4.4 Repertoire: selection criteria
4.5 Song analysis
5. Conducting 5.1 Simple and compound measures
5.2 Thetic and anacrusic beginnings
5.3 Musical phrase enclosures
5.4 Musical entries of the pieces in canon
5.5 Body expressivity
6. Repertoire 6.1 Catalan "cantarelles" and songs for one voice, a capella
6.2 Catalan traditional songs; songs from other countries and songs of authorship
6.3 One-voice songs, canons and two-voice songs