Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Infant Education (2009)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A1 Coneix els principis, fonaments, referents ideològics i normatius de l'Atenció a la Diversitat.
 A2 Coneix els principis, fonaments, refernts ideològics i normatius de l'atenció a la diversitat i l'escola inclusiva.
Desenvolupa programes d'intervenció d'Atenció a la Diversitat en educació Infantil.
 A3 Desenvolupa programes d'intervenció d'Atenció a la Diversitat en educació Infantil.
 A4 Reflexiona sobre les diverses realitats i entorns educatius.
Coneix la diversitat en i dels entorns educatius i els seus processos d'ensenyament - aprenentatge.
 A5 Analitza críticament les aportacions de l'Atenció a la Diversitat en els diferents àmbits de l'educació infantil.
 A10 Coneix la diversitat en i dels entorns educatius i els seus processos d'ensenyança-aprenetatge.
 A11 Reflexiona sobre les diverses realitats i entorns educatius.
Analitza criticament les aportacions de l'Atenció a la Diversitat en els diferents àmbits de l'educació infantil.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B1 Put into practice the approaches, methods and experiments put forward by the teaching staff in a disciplined fashion.
Ask intelligent questions that challenge what they have learned and show initiative in their search for information.
Autonomously adopt learning strategies in each situation.
Make significant contributions and be responsible for some innovation.
Be able to use paradigms from other disciplines.
Construct shared knowledge, learn and facilitate the joint construction of learning.
 B2 Provide alternative solutions to a problem and evaluate risks and advantages.
Present possible solutions that are mostly effective at solving problems.
Find appropriate solutions.
Transfer classroom exercises and the cases they have studied to real situations in other environments.
 B3 Reflect on new ways of doing things.
Search for new procedures and methods.
Analyze the risks and benefits of innovation.
Find new methods for doing things.
Put forward new ideas, opportunities or solutions to familiar problems and/or processes.
Identify things that need to be improved in complex situations and contexts.
Design new products and processes, and analyze risks and benefits.
Apply innovative techniques and obtain results.
 B4 Do the work planned in accordance with the quality criteria provided.
Present results before the stipulated deadlines.
Present results in the appropriate way in accordance with the bibliography provided and before the deadline.
Decide how to do a particular job so that it is of the highest quality possible.
 B5 Finish the tasks assigned to them in the time allowed and with the resources available.
Act constructively to deal with any conflicts in the team.
Ensure that the way they communicate and relate to others contributes to the cohesion of the group.
Take active part in planning the work of the team, and in distributing the tasks and the deadlines.
Encourage all members to take part in the management and smooth running of the team.
 B6 Structure their presentations and comply with any requirements should there be any.
Reply to the questions that they are asked.
Understand that non-verbal language is appropriate to verbal discourse.
Plan their communications: generate ideas, search for information, select and order the information, make schemes, determine the type of audience and the objectives of the communication, etc.
Make interesting and persuasive presentations.
Draft documents with the appropriate format, content, structure, language accuracy and register, and illustrate concepts using the appropriate conventions: formats, titles, footnotes, captions, etc.
Prepare their presentations and use a variety of presentation strategies (audiovisual support, eye contact, voice, gesture, time, etc.).
Encourage their audiences to participate and ask constructive questions to stimulate dialogue.
 B8 Describe situations and justify the need for projects.
Plan to evaluate the results of the project.
Ensure that the objectives of projects are consistent with the needs detected in the context.
Identify possible risks inherent to projects
Monitor the implementation of the project in order to evaluate the results and monitor the risks inherent to the project carried out.
Type C Code Learning outcomes
 C2 Use software for on-line communication: interactive tools (web, moodle, blogs, etc.), e-mail, forums, chat rooms, video conferences, collaborative work tools, etc.
 C3 Locate and access information effectively and efficiently.
Critically evaluate information and its sources, and add it to their own knowledge base and system of values.
Have a full understanding of the economic, legal, social and ethical implications of accessing and using information.
 C4 Produce oral texts that are appropriate to the communicative situation.
Produce well-structured, clear and rich written texts
 C5 Be respectful of and promote human rights and the principles of universal accessibility, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for th ose with special educational needs.
Be respectful of the values of a culture of peace and democracy.
 C6 Identify their own academic and professional interests and motivations.