Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Educational Technology: e-Learning and Knowledge Management (2012)
  Description Weight
Practical tests Deliverable 2. PLANNING

Relevance of the content of the report in relation to the proposed case.

Adequacy of the task to the indications.

Delivery in form and date.

Extended-answer tests Deliverable 3.a. EXECUTION: environment design
Adequacy of the elaboration of the conceptual framework and the definition of the dimensions of the environment

Delivery on time and form - 25%

Deliverable 3.b. EXECUTION:
Design of the technological device and creation of a prototype of the designed environment.
Adequacy of the criteria used for the selection of the technological device
Consideration of accessibility and usability criteria.
Adequacy of the characteristics of the technological device

Delivery on time and form -35%

Deliverable 4a. CLOSING. Presentation with the resolution of the case and final report.
Formal aspects of the report (format, organization...)
Presentation of the project (organization, support used, adaptation to time, interventions,...)

Delivery on time and form - 15%

Entregable 4b. CIERRE. Informe individual de reflexión sobre los aprendizajes logrados Valoración del trabajo en grupo Autoevaluación Reflexión y descripción de los aprendizajes logrados a partir de los conocimientos previos y los trabajados en la asignatura. Descripción del proceso y actividades realizadas Entrega en forma y fecha - 15%

Other comments and second exam session

Deliverable 1. START has not loading in the assessment.

Participation in the presentation forum in form and date. Registration in the working groups on date and form.

It is recalled that students have to respect the criterion of absolute linguistic correctness in all their evaluation tests (and also teaching-learning tests) and that not doing so can be a direct reason for failing. On the other hand, any circumstance of plagiarism on the part of the students can mean direct failure to the subject, without the possibility of resorting to the second call.Finally, students are suggested to consult the specific planning housed in the Moodle space of the subject.