Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in English Studies (2009)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Written Assignments will either be in Essay form or Worksheet style.20%
Mixed tests
Two test of short questions testing familiarity with the theoretical input from the Powerpoint presentations in class and the texts studied- 30%

The main component of the Evaluation is a hand-written Journal, for which the student has to write two entries per week, for the entire course. It will be evaluated twice during the course. After the first month, and at the end

Other comments and second exam session

The Segona Convocatoria will have a component of short questions on the theory and texts covered in class. The second element will be three essays of 300-400 words each on general topics of the course, or specific texts we have read. i.e. the Shakespeare play, and the Austen novel.

The mark achieved by the student in this final paper will amount to 100% of their overall course mark.

All papers will be submitted to the platform Ouriginal. Cases of plagiarism will result in the automatic failure of the specific CA component of the course in which it is detected. This will imply the failure of the CA. A recurrence of plagiarism in the same student's work will result in a '0' - Suspension being given as a final course mark.

Use of AI generated texts are not considered to be the student's own work, and so will not be evaluated as such. If presented as original work by the student, these texts will be treated the same as Plagiarzed texts. (see previous paragraph)