Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Professional English-Spanish Translation (2015)
Introductory activities Course presentation
Explanation of the grading system and attendance
Debates Activity in which two or more groups defend opposing positions on a particular issue.
Self-monitoring activities Activities that enable students to control their learning process.
videoconferencing Presentation of subject content, presentation of activities, problem solving and queries using videoconferencing.
Reading written documents and graphs Students read and work on documents published in a variety of formats. The documents will help students develop more theoretical competencies and acquire the knowledge they need for practical activities.
Problem solving, exercises Students analyze and solve problems or practical exercises related to the subject.
Personal attention Students are welcome to consult any doubts, test and/or homework corrections and grades during the office hours, by email or by Skype* (subject to the tutor's availability).
*Skype meetings must be requested 48 hours prior to the meeting date.