Educational guide 
Faculty of Legal Sciences
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Social Work (2009)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Seminar debate must be prepared and moderated at least 2 times per book (for a total of 4) and actively participate in the class discussions.
30 %
Groupware - TDR. A group job will be carried out by 2 or 3 people and will consist of analysing good practice of socio-educational intervention. Two presentations will be evaluated during the course. 20%
Extended-answer tests
The theoretical, practical and experiential contents of the subject will be assessed by the elaboration of a reflective essay-diary throughout the subject that will be presented on the last class day. 50%

Other comments and second exam session

All recoveries will be performed through an exam at the end of the course. This will have different paragraphs corresponding to the various parts to be retrieved and the students will have to perform the tests corresponding to the activities not exceeded. The paragraphs to be recovered will, at most, entitle to a note of 5 (approved). If a paragraph is not recovered, the correction of the others is suspended as there is no possibility of recovery.

All three parts of the subject (TDR, Seminars and Development Tests) must be approved in order to overcome the subject.

For those who do not follow the continuous assessment pathway, they will have to communicate it to the teacher before the end of the first month of class. A collective tutoring of information and planning will be organized by all those interested in following the alternative route.

In the case of a health emergency requiring confinement of the population or involving mobility restrictions during this course, efforts will be made to adapt the teaching activity and assessment so that it can be carried out online, in accordance with the guidelines established by the relevant bodies. The implementation of this measure is extraordinary and temporary. If this situation occurs, these adaptations will be reported to the Moodle site of each subject.