Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering (2010)
Introductory activities Introduction to the subject, explaining the objectives, syllabus, planning, operation of practices and groups, as well as evaluation and bibliography.
Scientific and/or communication events The teacher exposes the syllabus of the subject. The student intervenes by posing questions to the teacher.
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom
The teacher performs exercises on the theoretical concepts of the master sessions and comments on various aspects of specific technical documentation.

Practical cases/ case studies Approach of extension points linked to the syllabus, in which the student must work to give a reasoned solution to the subject, solve a series of specific questions or make a global reflection.

Laboratory practicals The sessions are guided by the laboratory teacher and the students carry them out in groups. Attendance is mandatory

Personal attention The teachers of the subject have fixed a schedule of attention to the students. It is recommended to make an appointment by email.