Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering (2017)
Introductory activities Activities that seek to present the subject to the students while putting it in its context. The objectives of the subject are raised, the assessment is explained, etc...
Lecture Sessions where the teacher comments on the theoretical foundations of the subject.
Assignments Group activities where students carry out synthesis work (on the subjects of the subject) in small groups and in collaboration with the teacher. Each work carried out by a group of students is presented in the form of a text document, audiovisual, etc.. according to what is described in each case.
Presentations / oral communications Students make a presentation to the class individually or in groups of two on a specific topic related to the subject.
It can also be done by recording a video that will be uploaded to moodle and commented on by colleagues.
Personal attention The teacher supports the students as described in the personalised attention section.