Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
A A 
Double degree in Chemical Engineering and Food Bioprocess Technology (2019)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Practical tests
Deliverables: Problems solved outside the classroom and delivered individually through moodle. They are weekly exercises to assess the understanding of the subject taught in class (see note 1 below) 40%
Extended-answer tests
Global individual test at the end of the academic period (see note 2 below) 50%

Nota de la tasca de l'API2 de Matemàtiques III (veure nota 3 a baix)

10% NAC
Other comments and second exam session

(1) The practical tests are individual tests to assess programming skills and use of the procedures practiced in class. Therefore, a computer with MATLAB will be necessary. This should be the student's own laptop.

(2) MINIMUM GRADE for averaging with deliverables: 3.5/10. Access to the internet is expressly prohibited during the final exam, as well as the use of any other electronic device.

(3) If there is no API2 mark, the missing 10% will be the average mark of the deliverables of the course. So, in this case the final grade will be 50% (deliverables) and 50% (final exam)

In the second call, the exam will be worth 80% and the deliverables will count for the remaining 20%. The API2 assignment will no contribute to the grade.
