Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
A A 
Double degree in Chemical Engineering and Food Bioprocess Technology (2019)
Type A Code Competences Specific
 A1.1 Consistently apply knowledge of basic, scientific and technological subjects pertaining to engineering
 A2.1 Ability to deal with specifications, regulations and mandatory standards (G6)
 A2.2 Knowledge to perform measurements, calculations, valuations, assessments, appraisals, studies, reports, work plans and analogous tasks (G5)
 A2.3 Ability to write, sign off and develop industrial engineering projects, in the field of industrial chemistry for the construction, refurbishment, repair, conservation, demolition, manufacture, installation, assembly and operation of structures, mechanical equipment, energy facilities, electrical and electronic systems, industrial facilities and plants, and manufacturing and automation processes (G1)
 A2.4 Knowledge and ability to mandatory standards and legislation to practise professionally as a qualified “enginyer tècnic industrial, especialitat en Química Industrial” (G11)
 A4.9 Basic knowledge of production and manufacturing systems (RI9)
 A4.11 Applied knowledge of business organisation (RI11)
 A4.12 Knowledge and ability to organise and manage projects; understanding of the organisational structure and the functions of a project office (RI12)
 A5.4 Capacity to design, manage and operate procedures (QI4)
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 B1.1 Communicate information clearly and accurately to diverse audiences (CT5)
Type C Code Competences Nuclear