Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education (2009)
Topic Sub-topic
1. Diversity and educational needs of students 1.1. Educational principles of the inclusive school
1.2. Historical evolution
1.3. Regulations for student care
1.4. Attention to the educational needs of students
2. Conceptual bases of learning difficulties and development disorders 2.1. Classifications and Diagnosis
2.2. Causal and predisposing factors
2.3 Interdisciplinarity and coordination
3. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders 3.1. Terminologies and classifications
3.2. Detection in the classroom. Manifestations in the different evolutionary stages
3.3. Risk factor's
3.4. psychoeducational intervention
3.5. Other interventions
5. Autism Spectrum Disorders 5.1. Terminologies and classifications
5.2. Detection in the classroom. Manifestations of the different disorders according to evolutionary stages
5.3. Risk factor's
5.4. psychoeducational intervention
6. Speech and language disorders 6.1. Terminologies and classifications
6.2. Manifestations of the different problems according to evolutionary stages
6.3. Risk factor's
6.4. psychoeducational intervention
4. Learning disorders 4.1 Reading, writing and calculation problem: descriptions and diagnosis
4.2. Assessment
4.3. Intervention
7. Intellectual disability 7.1. Terminologies and classifications
7.2. Manifestations
7.3. Risk factors or causes
7.4. Psychoeducational intervention