Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education (2009)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Presentations / oral communications
Oral presentation in technological format that will be done in groups.
At the beginning of the course, the points that will be assessed and the topics that will be worked on will be specified.
Practical cases/ case studies
Different practical cases related to the content of the subject will be considered to allow the student to reflect on the knowledge he is acquiring.
These activities must be presented through moodle.
SECLED CAMPUS: Continuous self-assessments will also be carried out in the seminar sessions on the content worked on in class. In groups, the students will have to hand in self-assessment questions for each of the subjects in the subject. The delivery of these questions will correspond
10% of the total grade of the subject. The resolution of the practical case mentioned above corresponds to 10% of the total grade of the subject.
Mixed tests
Given that each campus has a different timing, each headquarters will carry out a different evaluation methodology:
CERTIFIED CAMPUS: Through a mixed exam with test-type questions (mistakes are penalized) and the resolution of a practical case.
There will be two exams, one at the end of the subject and a recovery one for those who have not reached grade 5.
CAMPUS TERRES DE L'EBRE: Through a development exam and the resolution of a practical case.
There will be two exams, one at the end of the subject and a recovery one for those who have not reached grade 5.
CAMPUS BAIX PENEDÈS: Through a mixed exam of short questions and practical case, in which both the practical and the theoretical part will be evaluated.
There will be 2 partial exams (one in December and the other in March), a global exam and a recovery exam in March-April for those who have not reached 5. 6
Other comments and second exam session

To pass the subject you must have passed the theoretical exam (with a grade equal to or higher than 5). The sum of all activities with weight in the grade (exam + presentations + practical cases) must also be greater than 5.

For those who fail the exam, there will be a second call. There is no second call for the other assessment activities.

In accordance with the regulations in force, the teaching staff may establish those measures that they consider appropriate for the proper development of the evaluated and training activities. The measures could include limitations regarding the use or possession of communication and data transmission devices during classes and assessed tests and will be mandatory for the student.