Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Educational Technology: e-Learning and Knowledge Management (2012)
  Description Weight
IT-based practicals The evaluation method will be based on continuous evaluation based on the performance of the activities proposed over the course. The schedule of the subject available in the Moodle site of the subject will be specified to find out the details of these activities.
Practical cases/ case studies The subject involves several methodological strategies based on research, collaboration and problem solving, which activate processes of documentation, analysis, creation and evaluation. Students should take an active and reflective role throughout the course.
For this reason, activities will be proposed that the student will have to analyze and resolve from the contents treated.
The evaluation shall take into account 4 criteria:
* formal aspects
* analytical capacity
* organization and depth of ideas
* reflection and personal input
Others Prova de coneixements bàsics propis de l'assignatura a partir de lectures prèvies. 10%
Other comments and second exam session

It is recalled that students must respect the criterion of absolute linguistic correctness in all their assessment tests (as well as teaching-learning) and that failure to do so may be a direct reason for suspensiveness.

Furthermore, any circumstance of plagiarism on the part of the students can involve the direct suspension of the subject, without the possibility of recourse to the second call.

There will be the possibility of a second call, in accordance with the Master's programme and the coordination guidelines. In this regard, as part of the continuous evaluation, in cases where the student makes a second transfer of a suspended or unsubscribed evaluable activity, the submission will be made, within 45 days of the completion of the subject, on the date determined by the teacher, only in cases where the student expressly contacts to request it within the ordinary teaching period. Once this period is over, it will be understood that the student will desist and will not have the right to this second opportunity.