Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Grau en Anglès (2009)
Metodologies Competències Descripció Pes        
Proves de desenvolupament
Written assignments on specific authors and specific texts, in the form of essays or worksheets. 3-4 40%
Proves objectives de preguntes curtes
There will be two short question test, one mid-term and one at the end. These will test your knowledge of the theory input and the texts discussed in class. They will also contain questions on the set text, read at that point in the course. 30%

Other activities will include either in-class oral tests in small groups, on specifics novels or longer texts, OR activites conducted in an inter-university context with students from another Aurora university. This will depend on negotiations related to timetable coincidence etc and will be confirmed at the start of the course. It will include some COIL activities - Collaborative Online International Learning.

Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

The Segona Convocatoria exam will consist of a number of short questions to test knowledge of theory and historical context, and familiarity with the texts covered in class discussion. The second part will consist of three essays (3-400 words each) on the set texts in the course. you will be obliged to write one essay on each set text.

Tots els treballs s'enviaran a la plataforma Original. Els casos de plagi comportaran la fallada automàtica del component d'AC específic del curs en què es detecti. Això implicarà el fracàs de la CA. La repetició del plagi en el treball del mateix estudiant donarà lloc a un '0' - Suspensió com a nota final de l'assignatura

All work will be submitted to the Original platform. Cases of plagiarism will result in automatic failure of the specific AC component of the course in which it is detected. An agreement to rewrite the piece of work may lead to the element being considered 'apte' - fulfilled, but without any points contributing to the overall course mark. If there is a repetition of plagiarism, this will imply the failure of the CA. Repetition of plagiarism in the work of the same student will result in a '0' -Fail as the final grade of the subject. The use of CHATGP and other AI text generators will be considered plagiarism and will be treated equally, as this work cannot be considered a student's own original, unaided work, which is what is being assessed. the way to avoid accusations of plagiarism is simply to cite, or quote the other author's text properly, making it quite clear that the words or thoughts are not yours originally. Of course, a text made up entirely of quotations from other sources can also not be considered an original piece of student work.

Students wishing to pass the Continuous Assessment must participate in ALL components of the CA system, and must get a minimum score of '3' in each element of the CA to be able to pass on just the CA mark. If they get less than a '3' on any part of the CA, this implies that they must present for the Segona Convocatoria.
