Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry (2009)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 CE8 Capability to apply in concrete contexts the learned technics.
Show interest for the developed activity.
Be involved in the work.
 CE9 Know and develop the most common techniques used by professionals in the chemist field.
Develop the critical analytical, creative and critical skills when evaluating the professional reality.
 CE10 Capability to apply in concrete contexts the learned technics.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT4 Identify the role they play in the group and understand the group’s objectives and tasks. (Context)
Communicate and act within the group in such a way that they facilitate cohesion and performance. (Communication)
Commit to the group’s tasks and agenda. (Commitment)
Participate in the group in a good working environment and help to solve problems. (Participation)
 CT6 Raise their academic and professional self-awareness. (Self-awareness)
Identify their own learning process. (Learning)
Analyse the working or professional environment of their field of study. (Environment)
Design academic and professional tracks. (Tracks)
 CT7 Understand the inequalities and the discrimination that occur between women and men and understand the reasons that account for them. (Equality)
Be able to identify major environmental problems. (Environment)
Recognise and reflect on social needs and problems and get involved in improving the community. (Social responsibility as a citizen)
Recognise the ethical and deontological concepts in their field of expertise, show an ability for criticism and dialogue, and respect the rules and regulations that members of the university community must abide by. (Ethics)
Type C Code Learning outcomes