Educational guide 
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (2010)
Topic Sub-topic
1 to. Biology and human behaviour 1
1 b. Biology and human behaviour 2

2.a. Psycopatology, concept. Elements that conform the basic psychopatology study.General psychopatology and implication in the alimentary disorders. The anamnesis and psychopatology exploration.Psychiatric nosology.
2.b. Psychology of the health. Historical approximation. Key concepts in health. Adherence.
2.c. Prevention and promotion of the health. Interventions. Dietist and prevention.
3. PSYCHOLOGY, DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIETY 3.a. The clinical interview
3.b. Feeding behavior in the baby and in early childhood. Aspects of development and relationship.
3.c. Food as behavior, evaluation and understanding of the evolutionary aspects in the school stage and adolescence.
3.d. Motivational interviewing. Definitions. General principles and stages.
3.e. Group management. Definitions. Type, Phases and roles. The group therapist.
3.f. Self-esteem. Positive self-esteem, low self-esteem. How is it formed? Self-concept, dimensions, functions. Self-esteem assessment.
3.g. Assertiveness. Definition. Aggressive behavior and passive behavior, assertive techniques.
3.h. Emotional intelligence. Definition. Theories. Concepts. Evaluation of emotional intelligence.
3.i. Family and psychology. Family and socialization. Family models. Stages. Bond and family. Educational styles. Family and patient.
3.j.Physical activity and sport psychology. Type of sport. Aspects that influence the execution. Motivation. Personality and sport. Food and sport.
4. PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. MAIN PSYCHIATRIC CONDITIONS. 4.a. Personality, concept and definition. Normal and abnormal personality, diagnostic criteria.
4.b. Main personality disorders and their relationship with food.
4.c. Mood disorders. Sadness and depression. Grief reaction. Normal and pathological grief. Bipolar disorder. Clinical pictures and relationship with food.
4.d. Anxiety, definition and symptoms. Main anxiety disorders. TOC.
4.e. Psychiatric disability. -Basics. Historical evolution and current situation.
4.f. Psychiatric disability. Classification, boarding.
4.g. Psychogeriatrics: Psychological aspects of aging. 4.h. Psychogeriatrics: Psychogeriatrics: Major psychiatric disorders.
4.i. Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders. Description and involvement with food and health.
5. ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS 5.a. Basic concepts. Neurobiological basis. Psychosocial determinants.
5.b. Classification of addictions. Epidemiology. Complications. Treatment. Drug addiction and dietitian.

6.a.Eating disorders. Concepts, epidemiology and etiopathogenesis. Pica and rumination.
6.b Anorexia. History. Definition. Diagnostic criteria. Type of anorexia and differences Epidemiology. Predisposing, precipitating and maintenance factors.
6.c. Clinical manifestations of anorexia. Behavioral and cognitive alterations and comorbidity.
6.d. Physical complications of anorexia nervosa. Scanning by devices.
6.e. Bulimia nervosa. Introduction. Definition and diagnostic criteria. Type and differences. Epidemiology of bulimia nervosa. Most frequent premorbid personality traits.
6.f. Physical complications of bulimia nervosa.
6.g Eating disorders not otherwise specified. Binge eating disorder. Concepts, diagnosis, epidemiology and treatment.
6.h. Treatment of ACDs. Individual treatments: pharmacological and psychotherapeutic. Family therapies and self-help groups. The dietitian in the treatment of ACTs.
7.BIOCHEMISTRY AND PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY RELATED TO PSYCHOPATHOLOGICAL PROCESSES AND ED. 7.a. The neurochemical modulation of eating behavior and its alteration in ED. Psychopharmacology. Classification. Indication, main side effects and relationship with metabolic and nutritional factors.
8.OBESITY AND EMOTIONAL EATING 8.a. Obesity, psychological aspects and psychopathology. Thyroid and psychopathology. Diabetes and psychopathology.
8.b. Emotions and food. Emotional regulation. Emotional hunger. Psychosomatic theories.
9.EVALUATION, RESEARCH AND DATA SOURCES 9.a. Health research. clinical practice and research. Requirements for research in ED. Tools and working methods.